Health Sciences and Wellnesse-NIOS Applications PC is a spin-off company of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, specialising in Bioinformatics.
The e-NIOS cloud-based platform delivers fast, streamlined and standardised analysis of high-dimensional genomic data and extraction of biomarker signatures. These services are useful for a range of applications in medicine and biotechnology, such as targeting drugs at genes (pharmacogenomics), molecular diagnostics, personalised medicine and agrigenomics.
Streamlined extraction of biomarkers, even from raw data, is achieved thanks to an innovative algorithm which analyses biological complexity by combining semantics, machine learning and statistics.
The company has published numerous papers, participates in many international Innovation and Research networks (Horizon 2020) and has registered an international patent on a cure for glioblastoma jointly with the French with the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM).