Nomad Premium Greek Honey
Agro-EntrepreneurshipWe have created the first Greek energy gel 100% natural, organic with nutritional claim, clinical study and patent certification. We thought about creating this product because of "vacuum" in the global market of sports nutrition, and specifically in the market of energy gels, for natural, raw food that gives energy during training and sport races. The raw material for our energy gels comes from our own beehives that we maintain in national parks and NATURA areas with a huge positive ecological footprint. For this reason, the certification of our company in terms of the ecological footprint and the possibility of offering services to companies looking for creative solutions of social corporate responsibility or carbon compensation are in our immediate plans. We produce - Research - Innovate - Process - Standardize and sell globally. Our goal is to create more energy foods of the highest nutritional value with a production process from field to shelf that is friendly and/or beneficial to the environment.