Co-founder of FFreak Boutique Fitness Studio.
Co-founder of FFreak Boutique Fitness Studio.
Straight after my BA Degree in Economics from the HEC University of Lausanne, I worked in the banking sector for 8 years. Based in the City of London, I had the opportunity to experience the Holmes Place clubs which I frequently visited to exercise, relax and escape from work pressure. It was during that particular time that I decided to introduce the concept of Health & Fitness clubs in Athens, Greece. I contacted Allan Fisher, founder of Holmes Place, to explore the possibility of Holmes Place expanding in Athens. The outcome of that initial contact was for me to become, at the age of 30, the CEO of Holmes Place Greece. For many years I was in charge of 3 beautiful and successful clubs totalling more than 9,000 members and a company of 300+ team members.
For the last 19 years my vision has been to exert influence on the lifestyle choices people make and inspire them to adopt the wise ancient Greek saying: A healthy mind in a healthy body.
In addition, in 2015 I initiated the Holmes Place Charity4U programme: a unique concept whereby amateur athletes help professional athletes through their own personal sports achievements by raising money for a good cause. Over the last 5 years the programme raised more than €100,000. I, myself, in 2016, participated in a team of 8 other Charity4U ambassadors who crossed the English Channel in a relay swimming team, raising over €35,000.
In 2020, I co-founded the FFreak Boutique Fitness Studio in Kifissia, Athens.
Co-founder of FFreak Boutique Fitness Studio.